Dr. Felix Beck
Attorney-at-Law (admitted in Germany), Associate
Felix Beck is Associate with our firm. He specialises in intellectual property law and, in particular, patent and trademark law.
P +49 211 54 24 40 61 F +49 211 54 24 40 44
Born 1990 in Baden-Baden
Law studies at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
Doctorate (S.J.D. equivalent) in International Environmental Law and Biotechnology Law
Legal clerkship at the Kammergericht (Higher Regional Court) of Berlin with stages at the German Federal Foreign Office and the law firms Posser Spieth Wolfers & Partners and Hogan Lovells
Professional experience: 2015 – 2017 Research Associate with Prof. Dr. Silja Vöneky at the University of Freiburg (Chair of Public International Law and Comparative Law); 2017 – 2018 Research Assistant with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer; 2018 – 2021 Research Assistant with Posser Spieth Wolfers & Partners; since November 2022 Attorney-at-Law with ARNOLD RUESS
Self-Spreading Biotechnology and International Law: Prevention, Responsibility, and Liability in a Transboundary Context (Nomos, Baden-Baden 2022)
Umweltschutz und Menschenrechte, in: Alexander Proelß (ed.), Internationales Umweltrecht (De Gruyter, Berlin, 2nd ed. 2022), Section 5, pp. 191-286 (with S. Vöneky)
Schutz der antarktischen und arktischen Umwelt, in: Alexander Proelß (ed.), Internationales Umweltrecht (De Gruyter, Berlin, 2nd ed. 2022), Section 14, pp. 781-830 (with S. Vöneky)
The International Regime on Liability for Damage Arising from the Use of Genome Editing and Gene Drives in Agriculture: Current Shortcomings and Pathways for Future Improvement, in: C. Dürnberger/S. Pfeilmeier/S. Schleissing (eds.), Genome Editing in Agriculture: Between Precaution and Responsibility (Nomos, Baden-Baden 2019), pp. 135-152
All About That Risk? A (Re-)Assessment of the CJEU’s Reasoning in the “Genome Editing” Case, Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht (EurUP) 2/2019, pp. 246-255
Das EuGH-Urteil zu Genscheren in der Pflanzenzüchtung: Wenn Gerichte über Gentechnik entscheiden, Legal Tribune Online, 26.07.2018
Agricultural research, or a new bioweapon system?, Science, Vol. 662 Issue 6410 (2018), pp. 35-37 (with R. G. Reeves, p. Voeneky, D. Caetano-Anollés, C. Boëte)
Commentary to Articles 143 – 148 (Conduct of States in Deep Sea Mining), in: A. Proelß (ed.), United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: A Commentary (Beck/Hart/Nomos, München u. a. 2017), pp. 989-1052 (with S. Vöneky)