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Cordula Schumacher, LL.M.

Attorney-at-Law (admitted in Germany)
Bar-Certified Specialist Attorney for Intellectual Property Law, Partner

Cordula Schumacher

Cordula Schumacher is a partner of the firm. She specializes in intel­lec­tual property law and, in particular, patent litigation. 

Who is Who Legal / Lexology have recognized Cordula Schumacher as the single top general patent prac­ti­tioner and named her "IP-Patents Lawyer of the Year 2023".

Managing IP has listed her for many years in the IPStars ranking as one of the Top 250 Women in IP worldwide and JUVE Patent has her a leading lawyer in patent litigation.

Legal 500 praises “excellent commu­n­ic­ator” and “vigorous specialist” Cordula Schumacher as a “top patent litigator whose performance amazes clients”. As a “strategic thinker identifying the key issues” and as “accessible, expert in her field”, she offers a “prompt and reliable service”. 

Cordula Schumacher is continu­ously praised by listings as an expert in her field in IAM Patent 1000 as “an impressive lawyer with a sharp mind and excellent technical under­­stand­ing” and she is highly recommended by Leaders League.

Chambers reports about client appraisal: "Cordula Schumacher, you just have to see her in court, she loves what she is doing. It's just wonderful." and “She is great at co-ordinating cases and actions. She is prudent and really sees the essential, where others get lost in the woods.”

P +49 211 54 24 40 45 F +49 211 54 24 40 44



  • Law and business admin­is­tra­tion studies at the Univer­sit­ies of Bayreuth, Cologne and Hawaii Pacific

  • Diploma in European Law from the University Sorbonne-Panthéon, Paris I

  • Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Intel­lec­tual Property Law, University of Düsseldorf

  • 2006 – 2011 Attorney-at-law with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer; since 2012 partner with ARNOLD RUESS; Bar-Certified Specialist Attorney for Intel­lec­tual Property Law since 2009

  • President of EPLAW (European Patent Lawyers Association), since 2018 member of the Board of EPLAW, members of GRUR, AIPPI, LES, VPP; Advisory council of GRUR Patent journal


  • Continuous advice and repres­ent­a­tion in patent infringe­ment and validity proceedings (nullity and opposition proceedings) of national and inter­na­tional companies, e.g. in the area of phar­ma­ceut­ic­als, medical devices, chemistry, sewage management, automobile, software, consumer goods

  • Inter­na­tional coordin­a­tion with proceedings in other countries

  • Shaping FRAND case law by obtaining the first two FRAND judgments from the German Federal Court of Justice following the decision of the CJEU in Huawei v ZTE (Sisvel/Haier).

  • Lead counsel in the connected cars dispute (Nokia v Daimler).

  • Obtaining first-ever anti-anti suit injunction in Germany

  • Various successful court proceedings in relation to Supple­ment­ary Protection Certi­fic­ates, including repres­ent­a­tion at the Federal Supreme Court and referral questions to the European Court of Justice

  • Various proceedings on Second Medical Use Claims

  • Advising an inter­na­tional phar­ma­ceut­ical company in connection with the phar­ma­ceut­ical Sector Inquiry of the European Commission

  • License and distri­bu­tion agreements


Articles in edited books and journals

  • Teilnahme an Rabat­tver­trä­gen nach § 120y SGB V als Patentver­let­zung, in: Festschrift “80 Jahre Patent­gerichts­barkeit in Düsseldorf“, Carl Heymanns Verlag 2016,  513.

  • Kein Vernich­tung­sans­pruch bei mittelbarer Patentver­let­zung? – Zugleich Anmerkung zu BGH, GRUR 2006, 570 – extracoronales Geschiebe (together with Dr. Bernhard Arnold), in: Zeitschrift für Gewerb­lichen Rechtss­chutz und Urhe­ber­recht (GRUR), no. 5/2007, 353 ff.

  • Die angemeldete und veröf­fent­lichte Marke als Rechts­man­gel nach § 435 BGB?(together with Dr. Aloys Hüttermann and Dr. Ulrich Storz), in: Mitteilun­gen der deutschen Patentan­wälte (Mitt.) 2007, 404 ff.

  • Umsonst ist der Tod allein? – Neues zu Werbung mit Grat­iszei­tun­gen (together with Dr. Peter Ruess), in: Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis (WRP), no. 6/2004, 665 ff.

Case Reports

  • Geheim­n­iss­chutz im Voll­streck­ungs­ver­fahren, Anmerkung zu OLG Düsseldorf, Beschluss vom 4. Januar 2023 – 2 W 28/22, in: GRUR Patent 2023, p. 41

  • Einst­wei­lige Verfügung trotz nicht kontra­dikt­or­isch geprüften Patents, Anmerkung zu LG München I, Urteil vom 4. September 2020 – 21 O 8913/20 – Herzk­lap­pen­pro­thesenein­führ­sys­tem, in: GRUR-Prax Issue 3/2021, p. 82 (together with Dr. Till Völger

  • Offenbarung eines Teil­bereichs innerhalb einer Bereich­sangabe, comment on BGH, judgment dated 15.9.2015 – X ZR 112/13 (BPatG) – Teilre­flekti­er­ende Folie, in: GRUR-Prax 2015, 536

  • Patent­fähigkeit bei Wiedergabe von visuellen Inform­a­tionen, comment on BGH, judgment dated 26.2.2015 – X ZR 37/13 (BPatG) – Bildstrom, in: GRUR-Prax 2015, 232

  • Gesell­schaft mbH als Rechts- und Patentan­walts­gesell­schaft, comment on BVerfG, decision dated 14.1.2014 – 1 BvR 2998/11, 1 BvR 236/12 (BGH), in: GRUR-Prax 2014, 116

  • Beschränkung durch Merkmale aus Figuren der Patentan­mel­dung, comment on BGH, judgment dated 25.11.2014 – X ZR 119/09 (BPatG), in: GRUR-Prax 2015, 108

  • Anweisungen zur Datenaus­wahl begründen keine erfin­d­erische Tätigkeit, comment on BGH, judgment dated 18.12.2012 – X ZR 3/12 – “Routen­planung”, in: GRUR-Prax 4/2013, 89.


  • Litigation Matters, UP/UPC (virtual conference co-organised by the European Patent Academy): Moderation of panel discussion Provisional measures – different views from the court (2023)

  • EPLAW Annual Congress, Brussels: EPLAW Working Group Reports on EC's IP Action Plan: SPCs, SEPs & FRAND (2023)

  • Standard Essential Patents Conference, Warsaw: Litigation and enforcement of SEPs (2023)

  • 30th Fordham Conference for Intel­lec­tual Property Law and Policy, New York: FRAND devel­op­ments (2023)

  • EUI Winter Innovation conference, Florence: Regulation by courts: Global FRAND Rates, Anti-Suit Injunctions and Competition Law (2023)

  • 29th Fordham Conference for Intel­lec­tual Property Law and Policy, New York: FRAND (2022)

  • OxFirst: 6th IP and Competition Forum: The Future of FRAND (2022)

  • European Law 2022: Simpli­fic­a­tion and modern­isa­tion of patent law: the example of Germany

  • 4iP Council 2022: IP aspects to consider when entering the Internet of Things

  • EPLAW Annual Congress, Brussels: UPC 2022: An overview of the new system (2022)

  • AIPLA 2021: Anti-(Anti-) Suit Injunctions – The problem and possible solutions

  • European Commission 2021: Enforcement of standard essential patents – current bottlenecks and possible solutions

  • LES 2021: Anti-Suit Injunctions under different national laws

  • INGRES, Zürich: Praxis des Imma­ter­i­al­gü­ter­rechts in der EU (2020)

  • IPDR Forum, München: Expert Panel: Sisvel/Haier (2020)

  • FORUM Institut für Management: Patente & Standards – Streit­ge­spräch: Lizen­sier­ung von SEPs an Auto­mobilzulieferer (2020)

  • FORUM Institut für Management: PatentFORUM – Sisvel/Haier: BGH zum FRAND-Einwand und zur Lizen­zwil­ligkeit des SEP-Imple­men­tier­ers (2020)

  • 28th Fordham Conference for Intel­lec­tual Property Law and Policy, New York (2020)

  • EPLAW webinar: FRAND – Juris­dic­tion & Process (2020)

  • Center for IP, 64th Annual IP Konferenz, Chicago: Patents I (2020)

  • Levelling the playing field: Sisvel v. Haier – Podi­ums­diskus­sion (2020)

  • IP FORUM, Munich: High Tech Patenting & Litigation – Current State (2019)

  • 27th Fordham Conference for Intel­lec­tual Property Law and Policy, New York: Biosimilar Patent Litigation – Same Same but Different? (2019)

  • Patents and Standards, Mannheim FRAND-Forum: European FRAND case law on confid­en­ti­al­ity and comparative licenses (2019)

  • 18th Düsseldorf Patent Days: Abuse of dominance by asserting patent injuntion claims – confid­en­ti­al­ity of company data, together with Dr. Clemens-August Heusch, Nokia (2019)

  • Women in IP, Düsseldorf: Patent infringe­ment proceedings – DO’s and DON’Ts, together with Ulrike Voß, Presiding Judge 15th Civil Senate, Court of Appeal Düsseldorf (2019)

  • 26th Fordham Conference for Intel­lec­tual Property Law and Policy, New York: Qualcomm vs Apple litigation (2018)

  • Inter­na­tional Women’s Leadership Forum, London: Industry 4.0 and the digital revolution of IP (2018)

  • LES 2017 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Panel Discussion: IP litigation and SEP licensing post Huawei v ZTE – Recent devel­op­ments on nego­ti­ations, injunctions and royalty rates (2017)

  • 25th Fordham Conference for Intel­lec­tual Property Law and Policy, New York: Discussion on Pharma, IP & Competition (2017)

  • Universität Bayreuth: Workshop Intel­lec­tual Property (2017)

  • 24th Fordham Conference for Intel­lec­tual Property Law and Policy, New York: FRAND / Standard-essential Patents (2016)

  • 23rd Fordham Conference for Intel­lec­tual Property Law and Policy, Cambridge: Panel Discussion: What patent laws should apply in the UPC? (2015)

  • Young EPLAW Congress, Brüssel: Territorial Scope of Patent Infringe­ment (2011; together with Marjanka Vermunt)

  • Pharma-Lizenz-Club Deutschland: Die Sektorunter­suchung Pharma – Auswirkun­gen auf Koop­er­a­tions­ver­träge (2009; together with Dr. Uta Itzen)

  • Post graduate seminar Intel­lec­tual Property, University of Bayreuth: Workshop patent law, 2007 and 2008

